Archive for category apps

Bonsai Album – Erfassen Sie Ihre Bonsai-Baum-Sammlung

Bonsai Album macht das Erfassen Ihrer Bonsai- oder Penjing-Sammlung einfach. Erfassen Sie die Entwicklung Ihrer Bäume deren gesamtes Leben lang, auf Ihrem PC!

Bonsai Album

Egal, ob Bonsai für Sie neu ist, Sie ein Sammler oder Händler sind, Bonsai Album ist das ideale Tool zur Verwaltung Ihrer Bäume, Schalen und Notizen.


Nicht sicher, ob Bonsai Album etwas für Sie ist? Testen Sie diese kostenlose Probeversion, die hier zum Download bereit steht.

Die Download-Version ist anfangs im nicht registrierten Testmodus und auf 3 Bonsai-, 3 Schalen- und 3 Stamm-Einträge mit je 3 Fotos beschränkt. Sie ermöglicht auch nur ein einzelnes Datenbankfenster und der Datenbank-Import ist deaktiviert. Wenn Sie eine Lizenz entweder von der App aus oder über den Web Store kaufen, werden sämtliche Funktionen freigeschaltet.

Dies können Sie mit Bonsai Album machen:

– Zeichnen Sie Details über Ihre Bäume, inklusive Alter, Quelle, Stile, Spezies und Maße, auf.
– Wählen Sie aus über 200 Speziesnamen (mit gewöhnlichen und botanischen Namen) oder fügen Sie neue Spezies hinzu.
– Sortieren Sie Bäume nach Name oder Spezies.
– Speichern Sie Schalendetails mit Fotos.
– Erfassen Sie Gestaltung, Düngung und andere Ereignisse für jeden Baum und jede Schale in datierten Protokolleinträgen.
– Erstellen und bearbeiten Sie Protokolleintragserinnerungen, die mit Ihrem Kalender verbunden sind (erfordert Outlook 2010)
– Benutzen Sie das Suchfeld, um die Bonsai-, Schalen- und Stamm-Listen schnell zu durchsuchen.
– Fügen Sie mehrere Fotos per Baum, Schale und Protokolleintrag hinzu.
– Fügen Sie jedem Foto eine Bildunterschrift hinzu.
– Wählen Sie Fotos aus, die für jeden Baum oder jede Schale in der Haupt-Miniaturansicht erscheinen sollen.
– Sehen Sie sich Fotos in einer Galerieansicht mit Vollbildern oder im Miniaturformat an.
– Ordnen Sie Fotos mit Mehrfachauswahl und Drag-and-Drop-Unterstützung neu an.
– Sehen Sie sich für jeden Baum oder jede Schale den Protokollverlauf, sortiert nach Datum, an.
– Prüfen Sie Statistiken für Ihre Sammlung.
– Speichern Sie Änderungen automatisch.
– Drucken Sie Bonsai-, Schalen oder Stamm-Listen oder Informationen für einen bestimmten Bonsai, eine bestimmte Schale oder einen bestimmten Stamm.
– Datenbank-Import und -Export über WLAN an Bonsai-Alben auf Ihrem iPhone, iPad oder iPod touch.
– CSV-Format-Unterstützung zum Import/Export Ihrer Bonsai-Album-Datenbank in und aus Desktop-Tabellen-Anwendungen.
– Bonsai-Bericht-HTML-Export. Sehen Sie sich Ihre Sammlung im Webbrowser Ihres Computers an. Toll, um die Übersicht über den Bestand Ihrer Sammlung zu behalten oder zu Versicherungszwecken.

Sie möchten unterwegs den Überblick über Ihre Bäume behalten? Übertragen Sie Ihre Datenbank aus dem und ins Bonsai Album auf Ihrem iPhone, iPad oder iPod touch (auch im iOS App Store verfügbar).

Bitte beachten Sie, dass in Bonsai Album keine vorgeladenen Fotos sind und dass die App auch keine Bonsai-Pflegeinformationen und so weiter enthält. Sie erfasst nur Informationen und zeigt Fotos an, die Sie selbst hinzugefügt haben.

Bitte besuchen Sie um weitere Informationen über Bonsai Album zu erhalten, inklusive Kontaktdetails, um Fragen zu stellen, Funktionswünsche zu äußern oder Probleme zu melden. Werden Sie Fan unserer Facebook-Seite, um mit anderen Fans über Bonsai Album zu sprechen.

Bonsai Album – segui la tua collezione di alberi bonsai

Bonsai Album permette di seguire in modo semplice il tuo bonsai o la tua collezione Penjing. Segui lo sviluppo delle tue piante lungo tutta la loro vita, sul tuo PC!

Bonsai Album

Sia che tu sia un principiante, un collezionista o un rivenditore di bonsai, Bonsai Album sarà lo strumento ideale per avere sotto controllo i tuoi alberi, i vasi e le note a riguardo.

Requisiti di sistema:

Non sei sicuro se Bonsai Album fa per te? Prova la versione gratuita scaricabile qui.

La versione scaricabile è inizialmente in modalità di prova non registrata, limitata a 3 bonsai, 3 vasi e 3 registrazioni con 3 foto ciascuno. Consente inoltre solo una singola finestra database e l’importazione database è disabilitata. L’acquisto di una licenza sia dall’app stessa sia tramite Web Store ne sblocca la funzionalità completa.

Ecco cosa puoi fare con Bonsai Album:

– Registrare i dettagli sugli alberi, compresi età, origine, stile, specie e dimensioni.
– Selezionare tra oltre 200 nomi di specie (con i nomi comuni e quelli botanici) oppure aggiungere nuove specie.
– Classifica le piante per nome o specie.
– Registrare i dettagli sui vasi con foto.
– Tracciare la potatura, la concimazione e altre operazioni sotto forma di voce con la data, per ogni albero e vaso.
– Crea e modifica voci di promemoria collegate al tuo calendario (richiede Outlook 2010).
– Usa il campo ricerca per cercare rapidamente bonsai, vaso, e liste di registrazione.
– Aggiungere diverse foto per ogni albero, vaso e voce registrata.
– Aggiungere le didascalie alle foto.
– Selezionare le foto di ogni albero o vaso in modo che appaiano sul display principale delle anteprime.
– Vedi le foto in vista galleria a dimensione piena, o come anteprima.
– Riorganizza le foto tramite selezione multipla e supporto trascina e rilascia.
– Vedere la cronologia in base alla data delle registrazioni per ogni albero o vaso.
– Rivedere le statistiche della tua collezione.
– Salva i cambiamenti automaticamente.
– Stampa bonsai, vaso, o liste di registrazione, oppure informazioni su un particolare bonsai, vaso o registrazione.
– Importazione ed esportazione database tramite Wi-Fi nel Bonsai Album sul tuo iPhone, iPad, o iPod touch.
– Importare / esportare il database del tuo Bonsai Album in formato CSV, al/dal foglio elettronico del desktop delle applicazioni.
– Esportazione HTML di Bonsai Report. Vedi la tua collezione sul browser web del tuo computer. Un ottimo espediente per tracciare la tua collezione, per fare l’inventario o per l’assicurazione.

Vuoi seguire le tue piante in qualsiasi momento? Trasferisci il tuo database nel e dal Bonsai Album sul tuo iPhone, iPad, o iPod touch (disponibile in iOS App Store).

Nota che Bonsai Album non ha foto precaricate, né comprende informazioni sulla cura dei bonsai o simili. Segue e mostra solo le informazioni che hai aggiunto tu.

Per maggiori informazioni su Bonsai Album visita in cui troverai i dettagli per contattarci e per porci domande, richiedere le caratteristiche o per inviarci qualsiasi messaggio. Registrati sulla nostra pagina su Facebook per discutere con gli altri fan di Bonsai Album.

Bonsai Album – suivez votre collection de bonsaï

Bonsai Album rend le suivi de votre collection de bonsaï ou de penjing bien plus simple. Suivez le développement de vos arbres tout au long de leur vie, sur votre PC !

Bonsai Album

Que vous soyez un novice, un collectionneur ou un revendeur, Bonsai Album est l’outil idéal pour organiser la gestion de vos arbres, pots et notes.

Configuration requise :

Pas sûr que Bonsaï Album soit faite pour vous ? Essayez la version d’essai gratuite disponible en téléchargement ici.

La version téléchargée est d’abord en mode d’évaluation non enregistré, limitée à 3 bonsaïs, 3 pots, et 3 entrées de journal avec 3 photos chacun. Vous n’aurez droit qu’à une seule fenêtre de base de données et l’importation de bases de données est désactivée. En achetant une licence soit directement dans l’app ou soit via le Web Store vous débloquerez toutes les fonctionnalités.

Voici tout ce que vous pouvez faire avec Bonsai Album :

– Enregistrez les données de vos arbres, y compris leur âge, origine, style, espèce et dimensions.
– Choisissez parmi plus de 200 noms d’espèces (avec les noms communs ou botaniques) ou ajoutez de nouvelles espèces.
– Triez les arbres par nom ou espèce.
– Stockez les données des pots, ainsi que des photos.
– Suivez le façonnage, l’engraissage et tous les autres évènements pour chaque arbre et pot grâce à des entrées datées dans votre journal.
– Créez et modifiez des rappels dans votre journal relié à votre calendrier. (requiert Outlook 2010).
– Utilisez le champ de recherche pour effectuer une recherche rapide dans les listes des bonsaïs, pots et journaux.
– Ajoutez de multiples photos par arbre, pot et entrée dans votre journal.
– Ajoutez une légende à chaque photo .
– Sélectionnez les photos qui apparaitront sur la miniature principale de chaque arbre ou pot.
– Afficher les photos dans une galerie en plein écran ou en miniature.
– Réarrange photos avec une sélection multiple et la prise en charge du glisser-déplacer.
– Affichez l’historique pour chaque arbre ou pot, trié par date.
– Vérifiez les statistiques de votre collection.
– Enregistre les modifications automatiquement.
– Imprimez les listes des bonsaïs, pots ou journaux ou les informations d’un bonsaï, pot ou journal en particulier.
– Importation et exportation des bases de données par Wifi vers Bonsaï Album sur votre iPhone, iPad, ou iPod touch.
– Prise en charge du format CSV pour importer / exporter votre base de données Bonsai Album vers et depuis les applications de tableur.
– Exportation du rapport HTML de Bonsaï. Visualisez votre collection sur le navigateur Web de votre ordinateur. Super pour suivre votre collection pour des besoins d’inventaire ou d’assurance.

Vous souhaitez suivre vos arbres de n’importe où ? Transférez votre base de données vers et depuis Bonsaï Album sur votre iPhone, iPad, ou iPod touch (disponible sur l’App Store iOS).

Veuillez noter que Bonsai Album ne contient pas de photos pré-téléchargées. Elle ne contient pas non plus d’informations sur les soins à apporter aux bonsaï. Elle ne permet que de suivre les informations et d’afficher les photos que vous aurez ajouté vous-même.

Consultez pour plus d’informations sur Bonsai Album, y compris les coordonnées pour nous contactez pour poser des questions, demander des fonctionnalités ou signaler un problème. Rejoignez la page Facebook page pour parler de Bonsai Album avec d’autres fans.

盆栽アルバム – あなたの盆栽コレクションを記録しましょう








– あなたの木についての詳細―樹齢、入手先、樹形、種、寸法等―の記録
– 200を超える種名(一般名と学名)からの選択、新たな種の追加
– 盆栽を名前または種により分類する。
– 鉢の詳細を写真と一緒に保存
– 日付入りのログエントリーで、全ての木と鉢について、樹形や肥料、その他のイベントを記録
– カレンダーにリンクしているログエントリーリマインダーを作成して編集(要Outlook 2010)。
– 検索フィールドを使用して盆栽、鉢、およびログ·リストを素早く検索する。
– 個々の木、鉢、ログエントリーに複数の写真を添付
– 各写真にテキストキャプションの付記
– それぞれの木、鉢について、メインサムネイルに表示される写真を選択
– フルサイズのギャラリービューまたはサムネイル形式で写真を表示。
– 写真を複数選択し、ドラッグアンドドロップで並べ替える。
– 日付でソートして、個々の木、鉢のログヒストリーを表示
– コレクションの統計データの洗い直し
– 変更を自動的に保存。
– 盆栽、鉢、またはログリスト、または特定の盆栽、鉢、またはログの情報を印刷する。
– WiFi経由でiPhone、iPad、またはiPod touchで盆栽アルバムデータベースのインポートとエクスポート。
– CSVフォーマット対応で、デスクトップのスプレッドシートアプリへの盆栽アルバムデータベースのインポート、アプリからのデータベースのエクスポート
– 盆栽レポートHTMLエキスポート。コンピュータのWebブラウザであなたのコレクションを表示。目録、保険のための記録として最適。

外出先から盆栽をチェック。iPhone、iPad、またはiPod touch(iOS App Storeで入手可能)の盆栽アルバムにデータベースを転送、またはiPhone、iPad、またはiPod touchの盆栽アルバムからデータベースを転送。


盆栽アルバムについて、詳しくは へ。質問、リクエストや問題の報告をするための連絡先も掲載しています。Facebookページに参加すると、他のファンと盆栽アルバムについて話ができます。

Bonsai Album for PC – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Bonsai Album

The following should address any questions or concerns you may have about Bonsai Album for PC. I’ll be updating this post as new questions arise. Let me know if I’ve missed anything!

1. When will Bonsai Album be available for PCs?

Bonsai Album for PC is now available for download from my website here. You can learn more about Bonsai Album for PC here.

2. What operating system do I need to be able to run Bonsai Album for PC?

The app works on Windows XP SP3 / Vista / 7 / 8 / 8.1 / 10 / 11. It requires the .NET Framework 4, which will be installed automatically if your computer does not already have it. It also requires the .NET KB2468871 update patch. Outlook 2010 is required to store reminders on your computer’s calendar.

3. I already have Bonsai Album on my iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. Do I have to buy it again for the PC?

Yes, if you would like to run Bonsai Album on your PC, you’ll need to purchase it direct from my site. The PC version includes some additional features over and above the iOS version, including photo organization, enhanced search, and printing capabilities. I first began work on Bonsai Album for PC in 2013. The app had to be substantially re-designed and completely re-written for the PC platform. Unfortunately porting the app to the PC wasn’t as simple as you might think!

4. I’m not sure if Bonsai Album for PC will suit my needs. Is there a free trial version available?

Yes, it’s available for download from my website here. The app is initially in an unregistered trial mode, limited to 3 bonsai, 3 pots, and 3 logs, with 3 photos each. It will also only allow a single database open at a time, and database import is disabled. That should be enough to give you some idea of whether the app will work for you. Purchasing a license either within the app or via my website unlocks full functionality.

5. Will Bonsai Album for PC be localized into my language soon?

Possibly. Bonsai Album is currently localized into English, Japanese, French, Italian, German, Spanish, and Portuguese.

6. Is it possible to sort the bonsai by species, rather than name?

Click Preferences… on the Tools menu and select the “Sort bonsai by species” checkbox under Sort Options. Close the window and you’ll find all bonsai are now sorted by species. Repeat these steps to sort by name again.

7. What is the purpose of the Type field on the Log Info screen?

The type field is used by the app to determine what should be displayed in the Logs list for that log entry. For instance, selecting Bonsai will show the bonsai name selected in the Bonsai field, selecting Pot will show the Pot name in the Pot field, and Note will show a brief summary taken from the Notes field. Select either Bonsai, Pot, or Note in the Type field depending on what information that particular log entry is recording.

8. How do I re-order the photos on the Bonsai Info, Pot Info, or Log Info screens?

After the entry has been saved, double-click on it and then click on the All Photos section. This will show all the photos associated with the Bonsai, Pot, or Log. Click and hold the mouse button on the photo you’d like to organize on the Info screen, and move the mouse to where you’d like the photo to be moved. Release the mouse button when you’re done.

To move a photo into one of the primary photo slots on the Bonsai Info, Pot Info, or Log Info screens, arrange the photos in the All Photos section. The primary photo slots will now reflect the new order.

9. How do I add text captions to my photos? How can I hide them to take a closer look at the photo?

Double-click on the photo you’d like to add a caption to in the All Photos section of the Bonsai Info, Pot Info, or Log Info window. Click the word balloon icon at the top of the window, then in the text box that appears, type in the text caption you’d like to associate with that photo. Click on the photo to end editing the caption. The new or modified text caption will now be displayed. Note that only the first few lines of the caption will be superimposed over the photo. To hide the caption, click once on the photo. You can scroll between the photos by clicking the left and right arrow buttons, and zoom-in by resizing the photo window.

10. How do I capture sold, stolen or dead trees, broken pots, or other events?

The place for capturing these events is on the Log Info window. Create a new Log entry, click the Event field and type in the new Event (Sold, for instance). The new Event will be saved when you click the OK or Save button. It will then be available for use with this and other log entries. In the Bonsai field (or Pot field), select the corresponding tree (or pot). Set the Type field to Bonsai (or Pot). Set the date the Event occurred, and add any relevant photos or notes. Click Save, and the new dated Log entry will appear in the list. Now when you tap the Log History button on the Bonsai Info (or Pot Info) window, you’ll see the complete history of the tree (or pot).

11. I have a Bonsai Album database on my iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. How do I transfer it to Bonsai Album for PC?

You’ll need all devices on the same local WiFi network as your PC. Then follow these steps:

(1) Tap the Backup Database button on the Tools screen within the app on your device.
(2) Create a new database within Bonsai Album for PC and save it to your Documents folder.
(3) Click the Import Database button in the document window toolbar within Bonsai Album for PC. This is the button next to the printer button. The button has an arrow pointing to the right, away from the device icon. You can also select the Import from -> Bonsai Album Mobile App item in the File menu.
(4) The Import Database window will appear. You should see your device shown in the Devices section. If it isn’t there, double-check that you’ve selected Backup Database (or Export Database) on the Tools screen within Bonsai Album on your device. Check the Messages box in Bonsai Album for PC for helpful information.
(5) Select the device you want to import from, then select Restore Complete Database in the Import Options section. You may also choose to Import Bonsai and Pots, Import Bonsai, or Import Pots.
(6) Once you’re satisfied with the selected device and import options, click the Import button.
(7) After the progress bar completes, an alert will appear indicating whether the import was successful. Click OK.
(8) The database in Bonsai Album for PC should now match the database on your device.

Note that the above steps will completely replace the contents of the Bonsai Album database within Bonsai Album for PC, unless you’ve chosen not to restore the complete database. In that case, you may see duplicate entries in your database after the import is complete.

12. I have a Bonsai Album database in Bonsai Album for PC I’d like to transfer to Bonsai Album on my iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch. How do I accomplish this?

The steps are similar to question 11 above, except you must select either Restore Database or Import Database on your device, and click the Export Database button in the document window toolbar within Bonsai Album for PC. This is the toolbar button with the arrow pointing toward the device icon. When the export is complete, you should consult the pop-up alert on your device for further instructions.

13. I have an iPad, an iPhone, and a PC. How do I keep the databases in sync between all of these devices?

Bonsai Album currently doesn’t have a simple means of keeping databases synchronized on separate devices. However, it is still possible to transfer the database between devices manually. You first need to backup the database from the device with the most current copy to your computer (or from your computer to the device). The steps for achieving this are shown above in questions 11 and 12. A good workflow is to use your PC as a hub for the database, updating that after you’ve made changes on your device.

14. I have the Bonsai Album trial version and just bought the full version. How do I transfer my data from the trial version?

When you purchase the full version you’ll be provided with license details to unlock the app. The trial version and the full version are the same app – there is nothing further to download. All of your data will be accessible the next time you run the app.

15. I have a whole spreadsheet of data I’d like to import into the app. How can I do that?

Provided your spreadsheet program can export to CSV format and allows you to specify comma separators and dates in a particular format, you should be able to import it into the app. Bonsai Album expects to receive CSV data according to the CSV template file, available in the Downloads section of this site.

16. Can you incorporate some new fields into the app? Can I change the names of any of the data fields?

Incorporating new fields may be possible, but keep in mind that any changes will also need to be made to the iOS app version, where screen real estate is very limited. I’ve tried to select fields that would be useful for most people using the app, and have tried to minimize clutter as much as possible. The Notes field may be used to log information that isn’t captured by any other field. Sorry, the names of the data fields cannot be changed.

17. What is the X icon in the toolbar used for?

The ‘X’ icon (next to the ‘+’ icon in the toolbar) is used to delete a particular bonsai, pot, or log. It has no effect until you select an item from the list. Clicking on one of the rows in the table will select that row and highlight it. To delete the highlighted bonsai, pot, or log, click the X icon in the toolbar. Alternatively you may select Remove Item from the Edit menu. Note that an alert popup will appear asking if you still wish to delete the bonsai or pot. There is no such alert for logs.

18. How do I use the reminder feature?

First, pick a log entry or create a new one. Select Yes next to the Reminder field, then click the OK or Save button. A popup will appear asking if you want to add a reminder to the calendar. Click Add and another window will appear where you can create a calendar entry. If there’s already an entry, it’ll allow you to edit it (or delete it). If you check your calendar in Outlook, the entry should be recorded against the date/time you set.

The idea is you set a future date, set Reminder to Yes, and the log entry will be highlighted on and after that date. The Reminders Due statistic is also updated. Once you’ve taken care of the task (fertilizing, repotting, etc), set Reminder back to No.

19. How do I use the bonsai report feature? How do I view the bonsai report?

The bonsai report shows a summary of your collection, followed by the data and photos for every bonsai, pot, and log entry in your collection. This report can be useful for inventory or insurance purposes, and may be printed from within your web browser.

Click the Export To -> HTML Report lines on the File menu.

(1) Select the Report Folder where you’d like to store the report and the corresponding photos.
(2) Enter a filename in the Report File field. Note that the photos will be stored in a sub-folder of the same name with a _photos suffix.
(3) Select whether you’d like to export a report with Small photos, Medium photos, or Large photos, then click the Export button.
(4) A progress bar window will appear, followed by a popup when the export is complete.

To view the report, locate the Report Folder you specified in (1) and double-click on the Report File you specified in (2). Your web browser will load the bonsai report.

20. I have questions, feature requests, or concerns that aren’t listed above. How can I contact you?

You can reach me via email (, on the Bonsai Album Facebook page, or on Twitter (I’m @andrewnicolle). I can usually respond to queries within 24 hours. If you like Bonsai Album for PC, please spread the word. Thanks!

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Orchid Album v1.2 update now available for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

The Orchid Album v1.2 update is now available on the App Store for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Orchid Album makes keeping track of your orchids easy, whether you’re new to orchids, or an experienced collector. It’s the ideal tool for organizing your plants, watering schedules, and notes.


This update contains the following changes:

  • The Orchids list now shows the ‘In Collection’ state for each Orchid
  • Added a “Hide when not in collection” filter option to the Settings screen. This allows Orchids not in your collection to be hidden from the Orchid list
  • Added Wired and Ground Container Types for Orchids
  • Log thumbnail photos are now shown in the Orchid Log History list
  • Bug fixes

If you’re enjoying the app, please take a moment to rate or review it on the App Store!

You can learn more about Orchid Album at my website or on the Orchid Album Facebook group.

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Story Tracker v2.9 update now available for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

Story Tracker v2.9 is now available on the App Store for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

Story Tracker

This update contains the following changes:

Note: This update requires iOS 5.1.1 or higher!

  • Added iOS 8 and 64-bit support
  • Support for new high-resolution iPhone 6 / 6 Plus displays
  • Added database transfer via AirDrop (requires iOS 7 or higher and AirDrop-capable devices)
  • All info screens now use scrollable lists
  • Device rotation is now supported on info screens for iPhone and iPod touch
  • User interface improvements
  • Bug fixes

If you like what you see, please spare a moment to rate or review the app on the App Store!

You can learn more about Story Tracker at my website or on the Story Tracker Facebook group.

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Artwork Tracker v2.5 update now available for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

The Artwork Tracker v2.5 update is now available on the App Store for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch.

Artwork Tracker is an indispensable mobile app for artists, art collectors, or art dealers. Keep track of artwork and submissions on the go, with access to all your data and full-screen artwork at your fingertips.

Artwork Tracker

This update contains the following changes:

Note: This update requires iOS 5.1.1 or higher!

  • Added iOS 8 and 64-bit support
  • Support for new high-resolution iPhone 6 / 6 Plus displays
  • Added database transfer via AirDrop (requires iOS 7 or higher and AirDrop-capable devices)
  • All info screens now use scrollable lists
  • Device rotation is now supported on info screens for iPhone and iPod touch
  • User interface improvements
  • Bug fixes

If you’re enjoying the app, please spare a moment to rate or review it on the App Store!

You can learn more about Artwork Tracker at my website or on the Artwork Tracker Facebook group.

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2014 Retrospective

Since we’re practically on the doorstep of 2015, it’s time for my traditional year-end post.

On the whole, 2014 was a pretty decent year for me. There was the usual work overtime madness and general stress, more car expenses, and paying completely out of pocket for last year’s medical issues, but other than all that, I personally didn’t have too much to complain about.

This year was a hard one for fans of genre fiction, with the tragic loss of two superb writers who passed long before their time, due to cancer. I’m referring to Jay Lake and Eugie Foster, though there were others not on my radar.

I’d followed Jay’s career since the early days, circa 2003. I consider him a mentor in my writing, as well as a fine upstanding human being. I only met him once (at Wiscon in 2006), but loved trying to keep up with his prolific output of short stories, and eagerly followed his writing process blog posts and news of his new novels. He was always willing to help and educate others, specifically other writers. He also grimly documented every detail in his battle with cancer, and successfully raised enough funds from a crowdfunding campaign to sequence his genome. The world is poorer for his loss, but I suspect in the years ahead his contributions will become more widely noticed.

While I’d never met Eugie, I’ve been following her work for 5 years or so, primarily podcasts of her short fiction. It was quite a shock to learn of her passing, since she was so young. If you haven’t yet checked out any of her work, please visit her website and start exploring her bibliography.

Back to my 2014 goals, I completely flubbed my “write more” goal, though this was intentional, as I’ll discuss in a moment. I released 3 new iOS apps and one new Mac app, along with updates for all the above, and just about completed a new PC app. I also began my first tentative steps into the indie-eBook publishing world.

Let’s start with the fiction. I’ve been writing fiction on and off for over 10 years now, and during that time I’ve made a few hundred dollars in short story sales. My plan for 2014 was to kick my writing into high gear, increasing my word count, increasing submissions, and hopefully increasing sales. I was off to a good start in the first few days of the New Year, completing a new short story.

What derailed all this was the huge medical bill from last year, which the health insurance company decided they wouldn’t cover at all. I fought it tooth and nail for about 6 months before all avenues of appeal were exhausted. As a result, I decided to invest most of my spare time on app development, in an attempt to raise the necessary funds. This wasn’t entirely successful either, but I did what I could.

Halfway through the year I was pleased with an acceptance from Lovecraft eZine for my short story, That Which Dwells Beneath. That was finally published in issue #33, which came out over the weekend. You can read it here. It’s free to read on the website, with a podcast version soon to come, along with Kindle and Nook eBooks.

During the year I watched a bunch more writing lectures by Dean Wesley Smith and the folks at WMG Publishing. While not always full of earth-shattering tips, they always have lots of good, no-nonsense advice. Highly recommended.

Toward the end of the year I set myself an internal goal of self-publishing at least one short story online, to be available through Amazon and various other eBook venues. I had a few stories in mind, but didn’t get cracking on this until December. It entailed learning about cover design and eBook formatting, among other things. After watching a few WMG Publishing cover design lectures and reading Guido Henkel’s Zen of eBook Formatting, I set to work. The first story, Back Again, is available for sale direct from my website, as well as on Amazon, iBooks, Kobo, and Nook.

Upon returning from our trip to Florida, I began work on publishing a second story online. Originally titled, The Diary of Amelia Burke, this is now available exclusively with Amazon with the title, Night Lights. Why exclusive, you might ask? This is all part of my experiment. If the story is available exclusively with Amazon, it’s automatically enrolled with Kindle Unlimited (KU). If you’re a reader signed up for a Kindle Unlimited subscription, you get to read it for free. Despite that, the economics of the program mean it’s currently possible to earn substantially more per short story download from a KU borrow ($1 or more) vs a direct purchase at 99 cents (35 cents or so). I’ll be curious to see how this pans out.

I wasn’t diligent about keeping my stories out for submission, so the submission count is pretty anemic this year. It didn’t help that I didn’t have many new stories to submit, either. I plan to address both issues in 2015.

I was reasonably happy with my volume of reading this year. I read the same number of books as last year, but the page count was much higher:

Fat Vampire Value Meal (Fat Vampire #1-4) by Johnny B. Truant
The King in Yellow by Robert W. Chambers
Zombie Cop by Ben Settle
Replay by Ken Grimwood
Mockingbird by Chuck Wendig
Writer Dad by Sean Platt
Microsoft Visual C# 2013 Step by Step by John Sharp
The Dark Tower (Book 7) by Stephen King
Zen of eBook Formatting by Guido Henkel
Crash by David W. Wright

Between finally finishing Stephen King’s conclusion to the Dark Tower series (I’m ignoring The Wind Through the Keyhole here) and a hefty C# programming tome, I wasn’t able to read as much fiction as I would’ve liked. I also delved more into self-published works, which weren’t all to my liking (see my goodreads ratings). Aside from the programming book, I read exclusively in eBook form this year.

This year I continued to listen to short fiction podcasts on my daily commute via Escape Pod, Pseudopod, and PodCastle. The quality continues to be incredible, and I highly recommend them, even to people who might not be big short fiction readers. The podcasts are free, but please send a few bucks their way if you enjoy listening.

Now for some stats:

2014 Stats:

New apps released: 4
App updates released: 13 (includes Lite and Paid versions)
2014 Word count: 4,930
Stories written: 1
Stories published: 3
Total submissions: 4
Total acceptances: 1
Total rejections: 4
Waiting for response: 0
Books read: 10
Comics read: 16

As I briefly mentioned above, I doubled down on app development in 2014. While not releasing quite so many updates, I did release 4 new apps on iOS and Mac, as well as substantially completing work on a new PC app.

The scary thing I’ve noticed is that either the bottom has fallen out of the app market in the last 18 months, or my apps are reaching saturation for their respective niches. My year-over-year revenue is only marginally up, despite releasing more apps and updates, as well as localizing Bonsai Album for a supposedly huge market (China). As far as the China app market, I’d say it’s great to localize for free apps and games, but probably not worth the time for paid productivity apps, unless you have a high-volume app (i.e. not in a niche).

Since there seems to be little interest from Apple in promoting charging for app upgrades, and attempting paid upgrades on your own seems to lead to customer revolt, it’s going to become increasingly difficult to justify updating older apps. Even the market for new apps seems to be drying up due to the intense level of competition these days. At this point my only hope for continuing to develop apps is to release fewer updates, and hope for the PC versions to take off in a big way.

Getting back on track, in February I released Cactus Album on the iOS platform. This is a similar app to my other plant care app, Bonsai Album, except taking into account the unique requirements for tracking cacti and succulents.

March saw the release of my first iOS game, Flapalope. It’s a free game with ads, and my take on the flappy genre. I’m pleased with how it turned out, even if it is the world’s greatest flying jackalope game that hardly anyone played.

In June I released Orchid Album, also on iOS. You can probably guess what this one does. I learned quite a bit about orchids in the preceding months while doing research for the app, gaining a new appreciation for the plants. In my usual fashion, I became a little fanatical about collecting them.

In July I released a paid version of Flapalope, with the imaginative title, Flapalope Gold. I’m not counting this as a new app, since it’s exactly the same as the original, just minus the ads. Again, this sank without a trace, and wasn’t really worth the week or so of development time.

Also in July I started learning a new programming language (C#), and became heavily involved in development of the PC version of Bonsai Album. The learning curve was quite steep compared with Mac and iOS development, but I think I’m getting the hang of things at this point. All the major features are now complete, though I still have another 6 weeks or so of tidying up details in preparation for the beta test. Following completion of Bonsai Album for PC, I’m also planning a version of Story Tracker for PC.

In early August I learned the 2D game development framework Cocos2D could also be used to create Mac games. Feeling positively frazzled from PC development, I took a short detour to work on my first Mac game. And thus, Flapalope for Mac was born! Again, nobody seemed too interested unless I dropped the price to free. Oh, well. At least I can say I’ve cornered the market on flying jackalope games on two platforms…

2014 was a discouraging year for my interest in bonsai. After one of the worst winters on record, I lost at least 7 trees due to the extreme cold. Some of these trees I’d been working on for years, so it was quite a blow to realize they were dead. A few other trees I’m still holding out hope for, though their chances aren’t good. Some surprised me, springing back to life during the summer, long after they normally would have in early spring.

I only made it to one Midwest Bonsai Society meeting this year. It was a memorable one, with renowned bonsai artist Walter Pall in town to demonstrate his carving skills. I was simply working too much overtime to be able to make it to more meetings.

I attended two bonsai shows this year, one at the Chicago Botanic Garden, and one at Morton Arboretum. I didn’t attend any bonsai workshops, being so demotivated about the hobby this year. I added one new tree to my collection (Hinoki Cypress), along with a large number of cacti, succulents, and orchids.

While I hardly took any time off in the first half of the year, we still managed to make some trips to Michigan and the UP in the second half, as well as northern Wisconsin and the Wisconsin Dells. A surprise from the inlaws was spending Christmas week in Florida. We took two days to drive there and two to drive back. While in Florida we visited Legoland, the Magic Kingdom, and the Florida Aquarium, among others. We thoroughly enjoyed ourselves, though the temperature change from 70F to 7F on the way back was a bit hard to take!

For the first time in my life I was very happy with my personal fitness this year. I made time for regular treadmill workouts, though I decided to skip weight training to save time, and due to my history of injury. I consistently exercised 3 times a week, with only the occasional week skipped due to travel. I’m counting 119 workouts this year, which is probably equal to the combined total for the last couple of years.

That’s about it for 2014. Since I’m a total sucker for New Year’s goal setting, even though I can’t always meet them, here’s what I’m planning for 2015:

– Stick with the exercise routine as much as possible. As I’m getting older, I’m learning it pays not to play games with your health. Regular exercise is great for keeping some of those age-related aches and pains away, as well as contributing to a more relaxed state of mind.

– Complete the PC versions of Bonsai Album and Story Tracker. I’m still behind on iOS app updates, so those might need to take priority early in the New Year.

– Finally complete my first novel. This has languished on my hard drive for years, so it’s time to dust it off and get it done.

– Continue experimenting with self-publishing and also continue submitting my work to publishers. I’m still a strong believer in submitting short stories to traditional markets, but not so much when it comes to novel-length work.

– Emphasize fiction writing over apps. I sacrificed my writing efforts this year, and I don’t want to do that again in 2015.

That about wraps things up. I hope you also had a decent year, and that 2015 turns out to be even better. Happy New Year!

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Cactus Album v1.1 update now available for iPhone, iPad and iPod touch

The Cactus Album v1.1 update is now available on the App Store for iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch.

Cactus Album makes keeping track of your plants easy, whether you’re new to cacti and succulents, or an experienced collector. It’s the ideal tool for organizing your plants, watering schedules, and notes.

Cactus Album

This update contains the following changes:

Note: This update requires iOS 5.1.1 or higher!

  • Added iOS 8 and 64-bit support
  • Support for new high-resolution iPhone 6 / 6 Plus displays
  • Added database transfer via AirDrop (requires iOS 7 or higher and AirDrop-capable devices)
  • User interface improvements
  • Bug fixes

If you’re enjoying the app, please take a moment to rate or review it on the App Store!

You can learn more about Cactus Album at my website or on the Cactus Album Facebook group.

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