Congratulations! If you’re reading this, you survived 2020! I’ve been doing these annual year-in-review posts every year for over a decade, and I think this is the first one that’s not especially cheerful. I thought about not bothering this year, but decided I might as well keep the habit going as a record of my year that was.
While the year got off to a reasonable start, things went way off the rails in mid-March when it became clear COVID-19 was going to run out of control unless urgent measures were taken. Around that time I started working from home, and our son had to move to remote-learning. My wife is in the healthcare field, so she had no such option. While we dealt with sky-high anxiety for much of the year, along with some scares, I’m still extremely thankful my family is safe and healthy!
I had hoped that not having a daily commute would give me more free time, but what ended up happening was I had to work more, including many late nights and weekends. I noticed the same thing happening with co-workers as well. This was not always by choice, since we were under tremendous pressure to deliver for multiple projects. I suspect there was an expectation that since everyone was working from home, they could easily handle the extra workload. I was definitely noticing signs of burnout by the end of the year, so I hope everyone was able to take some restful time off at the end of the year!
I complained about my fitness last year, and this year wasn’t much better. Like most people, I gained a bunch of weight and didn’t get much exercise. The treadmill still isn’t fixed either. Maybe 2021? On the plus side, we probably walked around the neighborhood more times in 2020 than we had since moving into our house 16 years ago. That minimal exercise is better than nothing!
I still enjoy playing the Magic: The Gathering card game now and then on MTG Arena (on PC), but haven’t played any tournaments in a game store since earlier in the year (before in-store play was totally shutdown) when I participated in a prerelease event for a new set. This event was at the new store started by one of the regulars at my old game stores. In a surprising turn of events, my old game store that closed last year actually sprang back to life during the Summer. I’m pleased that both stores have managed to stay afloat, and I do what I can to support them.
In 2020 I also dabbled in a new hobby: building and painting Warhammer miniatures! I didn’t spend as much time as I would have liked on this, but the time I did spend was relaxing and fun. On the subject of painting, we also attended an acrylic painting class for my wife’s birthday. All three of us painted a Christmas scene on canvas, and they all turned out pretty well.
My Magic card unboxing / gameplay YouTube channel is still going strong. It reached 11.7K subscribers in 2020 and racked up another 1.4 million views. I’m honestly surprised I was able to keep it going, but I think working on that and some of my other personal projects kept me from turning into a complete nervous wreck. The ad revenue is pretty low, but with support from patrons (via Patreon) I’m able to mostly cover the costs of running the channel. That became a little more challenging by the fourth quarter, so I had to make some changes that will hopefully keep things on solid footing for 2021 and beyond.
My second YouTube channel (Funko Pop-themed, started in May 2018) is pretty much dead at this point. I put together a few videos in 2020, but didn’t have the time or motivation to do much more than that. That channel reached 1.3K subscribers, which will probably end up being its peak.
I could pretty much cut and paste my comments about my fiction writing efforts for 2020 from the previous year. Nothing new on this front. I didn’t have the time or motivation!
Last year I again took part in the Goodreads Reading Challenge. I had grand plans, but then the pandemic happened and my attention span for leisure-reading promptly vanished. Here’s the sorry list for 2020:
Fool Moon by Jim Butcher
The Cleaner by Mark Dawson
At the moment I have a couple of fun reads I need to get back to. I’m reading a history of the Sierra game company (The Sierra Adventure: The Story of Sierra On-Line by Shawn Mills) and the second John Milton thriller by Mark Dawson (Saint Death). I should wrap those up in the next month or two.
Now for some stats:
2020 Stats:
New apps released: | 0 |
App updates released: | 11 (includes Lite and Paid versions) |
YouTube videos released: | 621 |
YouTube channel subscribers: | 4,766 |
Books read: | 2 |
Sales for my iOS, Mac, and PC apps were pretty similar to 2019 (i.e. low). However, I did much better with working on updates, releasing 3 for the Lite and paid iOS versions of Bonsai Album, 2 for Story Tracker iOS, and 1 for Story Tracker Mac. These were all a significant amount of work, but what I learned can be used when I work on some long-awaited updates for my remaining apps. Development expenses were thankfully not significant in 2020, other than time. As I’ve found with previous years, my app sales are typically seasonal. There’s usually a burst around the first quarter followed by a gradual decline for the remainder of the year. To attempt to reverse this trend, I temporarily reduced prices of my iOS apps and permanently reduced the price of the Mac and PC versions. The result? I sold more units, but made about the same amount of revenue. So much for that idea!
My bonsai hobby was a bit miserable in 2020. I thought I was all set with my remaining trees, which are all tropical and typically the easiest to maintain and keep alive. I kept them going throughout the year, only to have a few die near the end of the year. I’m not sure if it was the early cold snap that did it, or briefly neglecting them during a particularly busy time, but the end result is the same. We didn’t visit any botanic gardens in 2020, though perhaps we should have?
I grew a bunch of vegetables in the garden, including tomatoes, peppers, beans, cucumbers, and zucchini. Despite planting them late, we still got a decent crop. The peppers were the only veggies that didn’t do that well. I’ve also continued to plant giant sunflowers in the veggie garden, and also in some self-watering pots. Those are always fun to look at.
All our well-laid travel plans were pretty much a shambles by March. We were supposed to go on a Spring Break cruise, and visit Isle Royale National Park in Michigan during Summer, but both trips were cancelled. Instead, we spent a cautious week in Door County, Wisconsin, and spent some time at the beachside hotel in Illinois Beach State Park. While we wore our masks and dined outdoors, we were shocked by the behaviour of so many people who roamed around and dined indoors as if it was just like any other Summer. This behaviour was the worst in Wisconsin. No wonder hospitals around the country are at capacity and the infection rate and death toll continue to climb exponentially!
So that was 2020. It wasn’t great for us, but could’ve been far worse. While I have a bunch of goals I’d like to accomplish in 2021 (lose the excess pandemic weight, read more, and travel more), I’ll just be enormously thankful to have a safe and healthy family, and hope that the U.S. and world at large finally puts an end to this nightmarish pandemic.
I hope you and yours made it through the year, and I wish you the best for 2021 and beyond. Happy New Year!