Who is this bloke, anyway?
I’m an Australian American, living in Midwest USA with my wife and son, three cats, and lots of books. I’m a software engineer by day, and write fiction and apps by night.
As a kid I wrote all kinds of weird and wonderful stories (okay, mostly weird), and earlier this century I finally caught the fiction writing bug again. After the big cross-continent move I began sending my stories out into the cruel world and attended some literary science fiction conventions.
My first published short story appeared in the October/November 2006 issue of the online short fiction magazine, AlienSkin. 2007 saw the publication of a story in the print magazine for younger readers, Beyond Centauri, and an Australian horror tale in Spacesuits and Sixguns. I’ve also had stories published in A Field Guide to Surreal Botany (accompanied by illustrations), Pseudopod, and more recently, The Lovecraft eZine.
I’m a former member of the now-defunct online writing group, CriticalMS. They’re a great bunch! Do yourself a favour and check out the links section for some links to the web sites of previous members and find out where you can read their work. You’ll be glad you did 🙂
In addition to writing I also have a diverse set of other interests, including gardening, bonsai, app development, collecting pulp magazines and comics, Lego, travel, playing Magic: The Gathering, and listening to heavy metal — though not all at the same time. It’s a wonder I find any time to write!